A Star Wars Revisionist History ( just something I worked on for a short time

Didn’t do any of this art- obviously…

Fixing the Prequels

A Star Wars Revisionist History

A Vergence in The Force

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

Chapter 1

Obi-Wan Kenobi and his master, Qui-Gon Jinn had been sent to mediate a trade dispute but ended up discovering that the Trade Federation was planning to attack the planet Naboo.  They split up, but found each other later, on ground.  Unfortunately for a strange creature known as a Gungan, he was crushed by one of the carrier tanks which brought battle droids to the planet.  Qui-Gon discovered him first, and felt a smidge of sympathy for the creature, but ultimately knew that he had to be on his way.  Obi-Wan soon joined him, and they rescued the young Queen Amidala and her staff.  The ship was damaged in the escape from the planet however and was forced to land.  They chose Tatooine because it was in the Outer Rim. 

Qui-Gon, the astromech droid, R2-D2, and the “handmaiden” Padmè Naberrie all went into Mos Espa.  Obi-Wan and the rest of the crew stayed on the ship.

Since Qui-Gon only had Republic Credits, and this was the Outer Rim; when tried to get the parts, they couldn’t.  They met a young boy named Anakin Skywalker who was a slave.  He offered them shelter. 

Qui-Gon discovered that the boy had Jedi reflexes when he told them he could fly pods, which was very fast and dangerous.  No other human had been able to do it. Anakin finally got his mother, Shmi to let him help the travelers by entering a podrace called the Boonta Eve Classic- because the prize money would more than pay for the parts the travelers needed.