So, one of my favorite things to do…

I know you know this already. But I am a real nerd.

I’m not even just thinking of myself that way because I like things generally considered to be either “for boys” like Star Wars and Marvel- or I am obsessed with a particular event in history.

The thing about my particular brand of nerdiness is that I take things to the enth degree.

As in, I obsess over seemingly random or pointless details.

If you’re wondering why that is, I will remind you that I am an INFP and INFPs tend to love to connect unconnectable things.

So, since my sister and I have been on a journey to rewatch all the Marvel Movies (We’re currently at Spiderman-Homecoming- as in, it’s the next one on our list to watch…) I’ve found myself contemplating the series from back to front and front to back. TBH, when I saw Endgame, I hadn’t seen Captain Marvel or Black Panther… I think I’d only recently seen Dr. Strange and Thor Ragnarok…

And since watching Endgame, I’ve watched and rewatched many of the Marvel Movies. And I recently binged both Wanda-Vision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

In doing so, it’s given me an interesting perspective.

And since I like to take things apart and put them together, it’s been a lot of fun.

Alright, so currently, the question on my mind is:

What All Did Cap Do when he went to return the Infinity Stones?

Secondly, after he shows up at the End of Endgame to hand over the shield to Sam, does he die like right after? In Falcon and the Winter Soldier, the way they talked about Steve, not even just the mantle of Captain America as set in place by Steve Rogers- it kinda seemed like he died. They keep saying, “was” when they refer to him.


Another question I have is how old actually IS Cap when we see him as an old man?

Now, welcome to a part of the show called Math With Cap.

Now, I absolutely hate math. It was my worst subject in school and I still loathe it.

However, the math needs to be done in this situation and it’s a lot of addition at this point. I can add, so there we go! I know, you’re so proud.


So, let’s start with something we know. In the MCU, Steven Rogers was born on July 4th 1918 (of course he was born on Independence Day…)

How’s that for destiny?!

Now, since at the end of Infinity War- into the beginning of Endgame, there’s a 5 year jump, the battle takes place in 2023, which is the future from now, June 2nd, 2021.

So, we’re told that Cap went into the ice in 1945.

I’m not exactly sure when he got the serum… I think it was some time after 1942. But regardless, depending on the time of year when he went into the ice, he would have been approximately 27 years old when he “died” to the world at large in Captain America: The First Avenger.

Well then, fast forward to 2011 and he’s thawed out. 66 years have elapsed.

So, if we were to count his age as a normal person would, we would look at his records, see he was born in 1918 and say, “Gosh, he’s 93.”

Or maybe you wouldn’t… I would. But I’m weird.

The first Avenger’s film came out and takes place in 2012. So by calendar, he is 94.

However, his physical body is around 28.

While technically he was alive when he was frozen, we have to remember that when that happens, it basically suspends him in time. It keeps him stuck in that moment. He either isn’t aging, or he is aging so slowly it makes literally no difference.

We also have to take into account that with the Supersoldier Serum, Steve will already age slower and recover quicker from trauma and bodily harm.

In Winter Soldier, that’s 2014, so he would technically be somewhere around 96. I think in the film, he says, “I’m 95, I’m not dead.”

So he hasn’t had a birthday yet…

So, in Age of Ultron, he would be around 96 or 97 depending on what part of the year it is. Remember his birthday is in July.

But also, let’s recall how old his physical body is in terms of wear and tear. Normal human aging.

Or, whatever passes for it with a super soldier.

If he was around 27 linearly before going into the ice and then woken up in 2011… his physical body would be approximately about 31 in Age of Ultron.

The following year in Civil War, 32.

Infinity War takes place in 2018-ish. So, two years since Civil War.

So in Infinity War, Cap would (in body) be the same age as I am now, 34. (That’s simple enough math.)

So, by the time of Endgame, his physical body would be around 39. (Remember the 5 year gap between the snap and the return of everyone/ final battle with Thanos).

That being said, we’re only in 2021 in our temporal reality. So we haven’t caught up to 2023… but anyway…

So now, let’s dive back into the age his birth certificate would tell us he is at the end of Endgame (before he goes back to replace the Infinity Stones)…

According to his birth records, he would be around 105.

Which- if you do some math to find the disparity between his body’s age and his birth records’ age- the difference is 66- the same amount of time he was in the ice.

Funny how that works out.

Now, I was told that Falcon and Winter Soldier takes place shortly after the end of Endgame and Sam getting the shield from Old Steve.

And if that is so, I find it interesting that there’s a moment where Bucky says he’s 107. So is he/ has he always been two years older than Steve?

Something about Bucky is that he didn’t have a serum until he was experimented on by Hydra. And that didn’t happen until they found him in Siberia. IDK how long that took.

And as far as the aging of his body, he may have been “alive” or “awake” in more separate years than Steve. But spread out. And between them, he was wiped and reconditioned, and then frozen again until he was needed.

This happened until he broke free from them. But then, there’s a complication because of the snap and the 5-year gap.

So, I suppose my question is here- how many years old is Bucky’s physical body?


So according to a little Googling, just to make sure I know what I’m talking about… Chris Evans, the actor of Steve/ Cap is currently 39, turning 40 in a few days…

Born: June 13, 1981 (age 39 years), Boston, MA

Something wacky about superhero films, especially when they have something which causes them to age more slowly than a normal human is that well, the actors are only human. So, time passes and they age.

So there is a natural aging of the characters from their first to last time on screen in a series.

So, since it’s almost midnight, I am going to call it a day and hopefully pick this back up some time tomorrow.