Fanfiction #21 If Only

If Only

An Alternate Look at the Book: I Wish You Were Mine

Chapter 1

Jackson’s brain, while sleepy- couldn’t quite get over the fact that the most off-limits woman on the planet was lying in his arms, sound asleep.  He surprised even himself by realizing how lucky he was.  Another thing was that after the night he and Mollie Carrington spent together, Jackson knew he couldn’t just let her go.  It would be nearly impossible to leave New York now… At first, this distressed him.  Jackson didn’t belong here.  At least, he didn’t think he did.  But he belonged with Mollie, which was another fact he was attempting to wrap his head around.

Mollie was his ex-wife’s younger sister.  But as wrong as this all probably should feel, Jackson couldn’t feel bad about it.  He was pretty sure Mollie would be freaking out come morning.  Another thing he’d refused to think about at the time was the fact that at the beginning of their tryst, Mollie said that she’d been waiting a long time for “this” whatever “this” was. As much as he didn’t want to admit it at first, Jackson got the feeling that perhaps this thing with Mollie wasn’t just something that happened in the past few weeks… but that it’d been building for a long time.  More than that. Jackson was pretty sure that Mollie’s feelings had been there for quite a while… He wasn’t sure how long.

He could feel his heart begin to pound as he pondered the implications of this realization.  Jackson found himself hoping that Mollie really had been harboring feelings for him.

But another thought wormed its way into his head- that if that were true, watching him be married to her sister all that time must have been agony.  He recalled the moment on moving day when she mentioned wanting to get set up with some of his Oxford coworkers.  The jealousy had driven him to irritation.  At the time, Jackson didn’t see it- one because he hadn’t been looking for it.  Two- he didn’t see it because he hadn’t let himself see it.  Ever since he came to New York, he’d been looking at it as an escape, a necessary one.  But not permanent. And since he didn’t want to get close to anyone just to move back to Texas and never see them again, Jackson hadn’t let himself be happy here.  He hadn’t tried to make friends or find new restaurants in town.  And even though part of him obviously wanted Mollie around- and even suggested that they live together; that side was at odds with the Texas part of himself who just wanted to go home and wanted more than anything to be a football star again.  But that could never be what he was anymore.  Shouldn’t he accept it? He had the affection and desire of a beautiful, smart and sexy as hell woman, was he just going to throw all that away to go back to a life which could never be what it used to be to him?

These demons were torturing him.  All Jackson wanted was to go to sleep, but sleep just wouldn’t come.

To his surprise, Mollie stirred in his arms, and he could see her eyes flutter open. For a moment, she seemed genuinely startled that she was naked in bed with someone, but it all came back to her in a moment.  It was too dark to tell for certain, but Jackson’s hand which was in her’s, tucked under her chin felt the slightest bit of heat as if she were blushing. She turned to face him, forehead touching his.

He kissed her, and Mollie seemed relieved.  Even though the blinds were shut, there was still the slightest glint of lights in the Manhattan skyline which illuminated her face just enough for Jackson to see the intense vulnerability on her face.

Jackson didn’t like to see her down and out, but he got the sense that the vulnerability he was seeing was because last night had been special and wonderful to her and she was afraid that she’d wake up and he’d be gone.  Perhaps she was afraid to get her hopes up and that killed him inside because, regardless of what happened last night, he cared about Mollie.

He flipped on the bedside lamp after telling her to close her eyes so as to shield them from the brightness as they adjusted.

Mollie did so, and once their eyes were adjusted, they both sat up and Mollie pulled the sheet up to cover her chest although he’d already seen it. Mollie looked like she wanted to say something, but was afraid to.  But also, Jackson had a feeling that repressing things had become normal for her, and it was going to be really hard to break the habit.

He decided to speak first, thinking it might encourage her to be open with him.

“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking these past few hours… but really, I’ve been mulling stuff over since I moved here… this is just the first time any of them have really made sense.” He told her about his original outlook towards the move and how his mind had begun to shift.

As he spoke, Mollie’s face became a little more hopeful. “So, what does this mean?” she asked, tentatively.

“Well, part of that depends on you, babe.”

“What are you talking about?” she inquired, her head tilting to meet his eyes.

“The elephant in the room… Maddie.  That’s one thing.  I guess I’m wanting to hear from you that this thing with us means something… enough that it’s worth perhaps sacrificing for.  Or that no matter what she says or does- that you’re not going to just assume that I’m just waiting to fly to her arms in Texas and leave you in the dust… I’m not going anywhere, Mollie- unless you don’t want me.”

He was surprised how quiet his voice had gotten these past few moments.

Mollie looked a little flummoxed, but after a few seconds, took his hand in hers and kissed it. “Trust me, Jackson- I want you.”

She seemed to be gathering her thoughts, and finally spoke after turning a little to face him. “It’ll be hard, but- I’m willing to fight for you…” she looked into his eyes. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted… and I know that must sound positively batty.  I mean, we just slept together last night… I’m not even sure what to call what we are… our relationship… I don’t know if we’re just friends with benefits, if we’re lovers, if we’re dating… but all I know is that last night, I felt totally and completely yours.  I forgot about Madison.  I forgot about everything bad in my life and I savored the moment… A part of me feared that after we slept together, the fire would go out and we’d just be awkward roommates again… but another part of me hoped against hope that there would be many more nights like this…”

Jackson gathered Mollie into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “As far as I’m concerned, there will be… and not just mind-blowing sex… it was great, but I don’t want you to think that all I want is your body…”

Mollie chuckled low, sexy. “Nice to know.”

“What did you mean when you said you’d been waiting a long time for this moment?’

Mollie blushed. “I guess I better come right out with it then…” she closed her eyes for a second, and then forged ahead.  “Jackson, you’ve been on the receiving end of uncontrollable unrequited love on my end…”

“For how long?”

“Eight years.  But I admit that I had a bit of a crush back then too.”

Mollie bit her lip, waiting for him to say something.

“I wish I’d known sooner.  Truly.  I’m so sorry you had to go through this for such a long time alone… it must have been awful watching me and Maddie together.” Jackson’s heart ached.

Mollie nodded that it had been.  The look on her face told him that she wasn’t angry about it.  Knowing now that this beautiful woman had been in love with him for over eight years caused Jackson to feel a sudden wave of warmth for her.  It also caused a reaction of sadness on his part.  He didn’t deserve her.  She was too good for him.

But, Mollie saw this- she must have just then, looking into his eyes.  Because she surprised him by cradling his head in her small hands, caressing his cheeks.  “You’re the best man I know.  Even though you are extremely attractive- don’t get me wrong; that’s why I love you.  I’ve seen how you treat friends and family.  I’ve seen how thoughtful you can be even when you’re a little out of your depth… Even though you never advertise, I know you donate lots of money to charities and various causes.  You’re a great friend and I know that even when things were bad with my sister, that you didn’t cheat.  You were faithful to a woman who had long-since stopped being a wife… perhaps never really had been.  You’ve always been kind to me… but last night, and really the past few weeks have made me wish that things were different in the past and that we would have gotten together a long time ago… last night had me hoping that this wasn’t just a one-time thing because I’ve gotten so lucky… a wonderful man whom I love wants me… no one’s ever wanted me before…”

Those last words broke his heart. But Jackson also felt his heart swelling at the obvious love she had for him.  He remembered that he’d only answered part of her previous question about what they were.

“I do want you, Mollie.  I want you.  That’s not all I want though… we’ll always be friends, but what I want is to be together… in a real relationship… for you to be my girl.”

Mollie’s bright blue eyes glistened with tears. “Oh, Jackson… This is like a dream come true…”

“Darlin’, there’s plenty more where that came from.”

She smiled, and soon, they were both asleep, Mollie nestled against him as if they were carved from the same mold.

Chapter 2

Mollie awoke the next morning to the smell of coffee, after stopping off in the bathroom, noticing that Jackson wasn’t beside her- she quickly threw on a light blue sweatshirt, oversized- with some grey lounge pants.

As she was coming out of the bathroom, Jackson was walking into her room with steaming mugs of coffee. Mollie gladly took one and they sat on her bed with bright smiles on their faces. 

She also smelled something in the air besides coffee… he must have seen the tilt of her head because Jackson grinned, kissing her cheek.  “I had a tin of cinnamon rolls I decided to make.”

Mollie couldn’t help the squeal that elicited.  “That sounds amazing.”

“I thought you’d like it.”

“You’re a keeper.” She said, almost regretted it for a moment because old habits die hard.  But Jackson didn’t look phased by it.  He more looked just happy.

“Promise?” he looked at her with his gorgeous hazel eyes and there was something so scintillating there that she couldn’t look away.  Mollie also wondered what exactly he meant when he asked her if she promised he was a keeper.  But nevertheless, Mollie knew the answer.


He grinned as brightly as she’d ever seen before. Brighter.

“Mollie, even though I didn’t realize it right away; I think I’ve been having feelings for you for a while. Not as long as you for me… but a while.”

Mollie kissed him, relishing the way it made her spine tingle.

Jackson grinned, folding her into as much of a hug as he could with the two of them holding mugs of hot coffee.  And then he said it… the most beautiful words she’d ever heard… and in such an emotional voice that it almost ripped her heart out.

“Oh dear lord, Mollie- I love you.  I love you so much.”

He kissed her temple, her cheek, lips, neck.  “I don’t deserve you, but I love you just the same.”

Mollie murmured to him that he was a good man and she felt like she was the lucky one. Jackson kissed her again.  “That’s another thing I love… that you are sweet and humble even though you’re brilliant and sexy, beautiful… good.”

“Is it wrong to be so happy under such complicated circumstances?” Mollie asked.

“I don’t think so.  Just because it’s complicated doesn’t mean it’s wrong.  In fact, this feels so right…”

Mollie found herself thinking what people might say once it was discovered that they were an item… and her brain began to set off alerts that perhaps this wouldn’t end well… but in the end, Mollie decided that she didn’t really care what other people thought.  The only person she was worried about was Madison, but as she’d promised Jackson, Mollie wasn’t going to let her sister run her life anymore.  She was her own person. And Madison had her chance with Jackson- chose to cheat- chose to divorce him when he was at his worst.

And this wasn’t just mindless sex.  It was love.  She knew that. As the two of them drank their coffee, ate their cinnamon rolls, went to the gym, binged Breaking Bad episodes, and got take-out food- everything felt normal. 

Monday came a little too early for Mollie’s taste, but she decided to take Jackson to lunch- to a place which served Barbeque.  Jackson was obviously stunned and pleased. 

She brought up her idea that they should throw a party for his coworkers again, and even though Jackson didn’t completely get the necessity of it; he agreed.  There was still some reservation in his agreement however, and it was the first moment in their budding romance where Mollie worried that perhaps Jackson still was pining for Texas.

But from looking at him, hearing him talk- Mollie didn’t think that was quite what it was.

She’d always thought he liked the life of being a famous athlete- not only because he got to play football and be a part of a team; but that he got to attend parties and travel all over the country. But perhaps, that was the part of his job Jackson tolerated.  Perhaps it was Madison who kept pushing Jackson into the social scene in order to make connections  which would hopefully pay off for both of them- but mostly Madison because she was always self-absorbed.

Suddenly, Mollie doubted the wisdom of her own plan with this party and bit her lip, finally speaking up.

“Look, we don’t have to do the party if you really don’t want to.  I just thought that it would be nice for you to get to know the people at Oxford a little more.” She went on to mention the thing about Madison and Jackson swallowed.

Something in the look he gave her told Mollie she’d hit the nail on the head.

“You’re right on both counts… both about Madison and about the party.  So, I think we should go ahead and have it.  You only suggested it because you saw that I wasn’t trying to assimilate, and you know me well enough to know that I was just being stubborn, refusing to make friends… this party should help.  Plus, I’ve been trying to be friendlier with the guys. I think they actually like me.  And I like them.”

Mollie beamed. “Oh, Jackson! I’m so happy.” Tears welled up in her eyes.

“Ah geez, Molls…you worry way too much about me.”

“I have to.  Both as a friend and as a girlfriend- it’s my job.”

He chuckled.  “Girlfriend.  I like the sound of that.”

Mollie liked it too.

Chapter 3

Jackson’s day was going extremely well.  In the morning, he’d experienced the high of steamy shower sex with Mollie.  Then he’d agreed to do the article for Oxford about his story… worked things out with Lincoln… gone out to a long lunch with his hot girlfriend, had barbeque… Everything was good… at least until about three p.m.

Jo at the front desk called to tell him that someone claiming to be his wife was here.

He cursed. “She’s my ex-wife. I don’t want to see her.”

Jackson heard Jo telling Madison not to come back- that Jackson was very busy.  But Madison said in her sugary sweet Texas drawl that she wouldn’t be but a few minutes. And even though Jo attempted to keep her from coming back, Madison breezed right past her.

Jackson heard Jo’s footsteps retreating, probably trying to catch Madison- but then the phone rang at the front desk and she had to admit defeat.

“I’m sorry, Jackson.”

“It’s ok.  She’s a bitch, but she’s clever.”

The phone clicked off. And in another few seconds, Madison was standing in the doorway.

“Hello, darling.  You always did look good in a suit.”

“What the hell do you want, Mad?”

“You’re quite ornery today.”

“Yeah, having my cheating ex drop in on me unexpectedly does that to me.”

“Can’t we put that little misstep behind us and start anew?”

Jackson was suspicious of her.

“I’m alright with us agreeing to be civilly indifferent from now on… But I don’t care what you say, Maddie, we’re not getting back together.  I’m not going out with you.  I’m not even going to agree to having a conversation of any decent length here.  I want you to just leave.”

Madison looked surprised.

“What is with you today?! You’re so testy.  Maybe you just need a little angry-ex-sex to make you feel better.”

The thought of sleeping with Madison was abhorrent to him.  He used to want her to want him, but ever since he discovered her cheating, he wanted nothing to do with her.  And since he was in love with Mollie, this had to be stopped.

“No.  I’m not going to sleep with you-ever. We’re done.  You divorced me.  The papers have been filed. You lied about me.  You left me when I was in the hospital.  That doesn’t just go away. I have no interest in going back there. I’m done with that life.  Done with football, done with Texas, and done with you.”

It was obvious Madison hadn’t planned ahead for this turn in the conversation.

In a rare moment of genuine surprise, Madison asked what changed his mind so drastically between the time she’d made him dinner that one time and now that his entire view shifted.

“Not the whole view, Mad… I wouldn’t have wanted to get back together with you-ever. That’s water under the bridge as far as I’m concerned, but the truth is, Madison- I’ve moved on.  I’m not going to settle for being a washed-up has-been. I’m good at journalism.  I like it here- I just needed to change my perspective.”

She was suspicious now. “And what caused that?” the word was said with contempt.

“Not that it’s any of your business- since we’re not married anymore… but I’ve moved on.”

“You’re dating?  Who’s the tramp?”

Jackson nearly broke the pen he’d been grasping in order to have something to do whilst talking to his ex-wife.  Fury bubbled up and threatened to spill out.

Just then, Cole poked his head in, saw Madison and due to the tension in the room, smiled, mouthing, “Mollie?”

Unfortunately, Madison sensed him there and turned around just in time to see him.

Anger burned in her eyes and Cole immediately shrunk away with an apologetic look to Jackson.

“Why would that man think I’m Mollie?!” Madison’s voice was harsh and furious.

“He made a mistake… Mollie’s my roommate, you live in Texas, and you’re my ex-wife- someone I obviously don’t want in my office… it’s not really that much of a stretch.”

Madison didn’t buy that.  “Why is she all buddy-buddy with your colleagues?”

“She’s never met them.”

“Well then, how does that man know her name? Do you talk about her?”

Jackson had long-since gotten tired of this conversation.  “Yes, I talk about her.”

“Why?  What’s there to talk about?  Dumb roommate stuff?  Secret little jokes? Animal mating habits?”

“No. Not really, Madison.  Trust me, you don’t want to hear the answer.”

“Yes, I do. And you’re going to tell me.”

“Fine, Mad.” Jackson slammed the pen on the table and came around to the front of his desk.

Madison looked at him intently.

“The reason why he knew her name is because I talk about her all the time.  We’re involved. And I’ve never been happier. I’m her boyfriend.  It’s new, but it feels great.  Normal.”

Madison’s face slackened, for just a moment, and she composed herself.  Now, just anger flooded her face. “You’re fucking her?! Her?! Mollie.  You’re just doing this to get back at me.”

Jackson groaned. “Not everything is about you, Maddie.  Mollie and I are both adults and we know what we want.  No one forced her hand.  No one forced mine.  We’re happy. I want a future with her more than I’ve wanted anything in a long time.”

Madison couldn’t even say anything to that. She just walked out.

Just in case Madison decided to go hassle her sister, Jackson sent her a text telling her what happened.

Mollie was evidently not expecting that, but by the end of the day, when he returned home, Mollie told him that her sister never contacted her.

Jackson could tell that a certain part of Mollie was anxious about this, but another part of her was relieved.

Mollie wasn’t the type to keep secrets from the people she loved.  That night, Jackson asked if Mollie was still ok with everything after the conversation he’d had with Madison… if she still wanted to be with him.

“Yeah, I’m ok.  And I definitely still want to be with you. That’s not going to change.”

He hoped with every fiber of his being that what Mollie said was true. 

But then he remembered that she’d been in love with him for almost ten years- even when he was married to her sister.

No. He didn’t have to worry about Mollie.  As if sensing what he was thinking about, his beautiful girlfriend smiled, a look of love so intense radiating from her eyes that he could just melt.  And she kissed him in a way that let him know that she was in this for the long haul.  She was his.  He didn’t have to wonder where her loyalties lie.  He didn’t have to hold himself back from her in fear that they’d break up and lose touch- and he’d no longer have his rock.  No… Mollie was completely his.

Chapter 4

Even after a week, Mollie hadn’t heard anything from Madison about everything that had transpired with Jackson that day in his office.  Sure, she knew about Mollie and Jackson being a couple in love.  But apparently, she didn’t want to rant and rave at Mollie for it, so that was fine by Mollie. 

The date had been set for the interview, and even though Jackson had no idea what Cole Sharp and Penelope Pope were going to ask him- other than the obvious, he figured the subject of the two of them would come up and he wanted to know how comfortable she was with her name being brought up in the article.

When he mentioned this, it was a Saturday night while in line to pay for their dinner.  Jackson had asked her out officially on a date and even bought her a new dress.  It was a royal purple color and had the perfect amount of comfort while also making all her best features look amazing. He’d already brought up the article before, but Jackson was a little more specific this time.

“As long as it’s not being framed like the divorce was my fault.” She said softly…”I’m ok with it.”

Jackson nodded.  “That’s what I thought.  And I’ll make sure they know the truth.”

The following week, Mollie had a busier week than normal and wasn’t home a lot.

When she finally came home around eight, Monday through Wednesday, Mollie was afraid Jackson would be angry with her. She wearily told him how sorry she was for being late, and he murmured that it was perfectly alright.

“Your work is important.  And even though we weren’t a couple at the time… I know I missed some parties you threw or some important holidays because I was playing football or traveling to a game out of state. Besides, it gave me the chance to do this…” he said, pulling Mollie gently into his bedroom.  She noticed immediately that he’d brought her books and her personal effects into his room.

“You moved me in?  That’s so sweet, Jackson.” Her eyes filled with tears, and Mollie threw her arms around him. 

“I know you have a bit of a time table of when you want things to happen- such as how long to date and be engaged, and get married, have kids… so I’m not going to rush you, Mollie. But, I love you, and I want you to know that you’re the only one for me.”

Mollie’s breath caught, and her eyes filled with happy tears. She looked at Jackson with a look of love and affection so powerful that his heart skipped a beat.  Mollie could feel it as she was folded into his muscular arms, her head on his sculpted chest.

And Mollie realized in that moment that she didn’t care as much about that as she once did. Since the man she always wanted was Jackson, and she didn’t have to find another man to fill the position of her lover- it could just be him… only him.  And Mollie no longer felt the need to wait forever.

“You know what, Jackson… I think I’m over that timetable… It was something of a shield protecting me from finding anyone for long-term. Someone other than you. Since we’ve known each other for such a long time, there isn’t as much of a getting to know you thing we have to do.  And we’ve already said the L word.  We already live together and Madison already knows about us. So, I’d say that perhaps we only need to wait until after the interview is announced to move forward… in whatever way we wish.”

Jackson kissed her, taking her hands in his.  “I never thought I’d get this lucky.”

Mollie smiled.  “You’ve always been The One.”

“You eat yet, Burke?” Jake Malone poked his head in Jackson’s office on a Thursday a little before noon.

“No, not yet.”

“Would you like to go to lunch with us?”

“I’d like that.”

Jake looked a little surprised, but obviously pleased. “Everyone will be shocked!”

“What will we be shocked by?” Alex Cassidy asked, rounding the corner.

“Jackson’s going to lunch with us.” Jake said.

“That is shocking.”

“Wait, Jackson’s going on the one day I can’t go?!” Penelope whined. “I have a phone date with my mom and she’ll kill me if I cancel.”

“I’ll take you out for lunch tomorrow or Monday if either of those days work for you.” Jackson said.

Penelope looked thrilled. “Tomorrow works.  Thank you!”

“No problem.  It’s the least I can do since I was such an ass when I got here.”

Cassidy, Jake, and Penelope all looked surprised by that.

And with that, Cole joined the crowd of people hovering around Jackson’s office door.

“Is Burke coming?”

“Yeah.  I’m coming.”

“This is exciting!” and he turned to Penn, “I’ll get you something and bring it back, ok, babe?”

“Ok, thank you, darling.” Penelope batted her eyelashes and gave a little wave, heading back to her office.

And just as they were all getting ready to go, Lincoln came around from his office, and joined them.  And ten minutes later, Jackson and the rest of the guys were walking to lunch. 

Cassidy made a reservation for them at Wolfgang’s and the men all chatted on the way there. 

“So, I’m married to Grace, Cassidy is going to be engaged to Emma if he ever pops the question… Lincoln is enjoying being a bachelor right now, and Cole is with Penn.  What’s your deal?” Jake asked.

“Oh, I know this one!” Lincoln said excitedly.  “He’s shagging the younger sister.”

“Who’s younger sister?” Jake asked.

Jackson felt anger bubble up.  This sounded wrong. 

“His ex-wife’s younger sister… I admit I had something to do with getting them together… because I canceled my blind date with her on purpose…” Lincoln looked really proud of himself.  And even though the way the words had been spoken made what Jackson had with Mollie sound cheap, Jackson could admit that Lincoln had done him a solid.

“No way!” Jake looked stunned.

“And that’s not all,” Cole said as they walked up to the crossing.  “Ex-wife made an appearance a little over a week ago…”

“Drama?” Cassidy asked as they all stopped and waited for the crossing light to turn green.

“You have no idea.” Jackson muttered. “She came in uninvited, and tried to get back together with me, and lost her shit when I told her I’d moved on and wasn’t going to go back to Texas… especially not with her.”

“She wanted you to move back to Texas?” Cassidy asked.  “Just to be with her?  Or was there something else?”

“She was going to come clean to Coach- admit that she lied to the tabloids about me cheating to make herself look better… and help get me back on the team.  I’m figuring it was only because she wanted to get back on that stupid Housewives show and the only way it would work was if I was involved in football… But I’d already realized that what I thought I wanted when I came here isn’t what I want… maybe it never was actually what I wanted… The more I think about it, the more I realize that this thing with Mollie- while it was never inappropriate, it’d always been there… no matter what was going on in my life, even after my marriage was over, Mollie was a rock… She never treated me differently than a brother-in-law and friend, but still… we’ve always understood each other.”

They’d started walking again, “So you came here because Mollie was here?” Lincoln asked.

“Pretty much.  Then, after that canceled date, I found out that she’d been in love with me or had a crush on me for as long as we’ve known each other- over a decade… and a nagging thought worked it’s way out of my head after being unrealized and pushed around… that she’s the Carrington sister I should have married.”

No one quite knew what to say to that, which was just as well because they arrived shortly after at Wolfgang’s.

Everyone sat down and they ordered their food.  Since the gang planned on giving him a preview of some of the questions they were going to ask in the interview, that they would do a boozy lunch.

Jackson ordered whiskey and Coke.

While they were waiting for their food, Jackson asked what kinds of questions people wanted answered.

“First of all, you didn’t really cheat on your wife, right?” Cassidy asked.

“No.  Not once.  Never looked.  Never wanted to.”

“What about those women from the article?  You said your ex lied about them.” Cole asked.

“Apparently, she paid them to say they’d slept with me… Madison had affairs first- I caught her.  And since I’m a pretty private person, I was going to get some counseling or try to just file for divorce, but she beat me to the punch and spread rumors… paid the women.”

“What about the guy’s wife in the car?” Jake asked.

“It’s a stupid reason… Angie, my teammate’s wife was pregnant with twins, and she’d just been to the doctor.  Her car was in the shop, but she wanted to show Ryan the sonogram, so I was giving her a ride.  That’s all.”

Everyone nodded.

“What about your ‘depraved’ bedroom tastes?” Lincoln asked, putting air quotes around ‘depraved’.

Of course it would be Lincoln who asked about that.

“Like I said, the only person who knew my bedroom tastes when I was married was my wife.  And the only person familiar with them now is my girlfriend, Mollie. I think they’re mostly pretty normal.”

“So, off the record, Burke- where is the relationship with Mollie right now, and where is it headed?” Cole asked.

“Well, I moved her into my room… and it we’ve said our I Love You’s… After the interview, I’m going to go ahead and propose to her… It seems really fast, but we’ve known each other a long time.”