So that was a weird few days

I’m sure none of you really minded all the fanfiction postings the last few days. But I feel compelled to explain why I haven’t been posting other stuff.

Well, part of it is because while I’m still loving our show, and there have been some interesting moments, there hasn’t been much where I could really think of a way to relate it back to writing.

That happens sometimes and that’s ok.

Also, I have been feeling a little tired and I was actually under the weather on Friday. I had zero energy and a stabbing headache. I ended up sleeping a good seventy percent of the day. And even on Saturday, until around lunchtime, I still felt a little splashy…

It’s something that happens every so often… I get a 24-hour bug and then I feel completely fine (or at least normal for me.)

I am trying to come up with different subjects to talk about with you all, so please be patient. I will hopefully be back with a vengeance… but until then, I hope you enjoy the fanfics I will keep posting. There are way too many of them. LOL



Here is a nerdy as heck playlist I’ve made…