Fanfiction #6 An Unexpected Interlude

An Unexpected Interlude

(I Wish You Were Mine)

Jackson was fuming mad.  Of all things, he hadn’t expected to see his ex-wife in his kitchen when he came home from work that day.  When the moment of déjà vu passed, Jackson heard Mollie’s footsteps coming out from the hall. “Hi.” She said in a nervous voice.  He wondered if she was nervous because she’d thrown him under the bus with this Madison visit, but when Madison went to open her mouth, Mollie gave her sister a death glare.

Probably not a fan of her sister coming over then. Admittedly, Jackson still felt a little bit ambushed, which was why he was glad when Madison huffed angrily, turning her attention to whatever she was cooking in his kitchen.  And Mollie’s fist clenched. She mouthed, “I’m sorry.  Didn’t you see my text?”

“My phone died and I didn’t have a charger.” He mouthed back. 

Mollie put a hand to her head. When Madison seemed to catch wind of the fact that they were communicating behind her back, she whirled around trying to make small talk with Jackson about wanting him to get a home-cooked meal.

“Sure, Maddie… your motives are innocent.  Give me a break.” Sarcasm dripped from his voice.

Madison huffed again, turning back to her cooking.  Admittedly, whatever it was smelled good, but she’d always been a good cook.

Jackson pretended to be angry at Mollie, dragging her into his bedroom.

Once the door was shut, he murmured that he was sorry for doing that. “How can we get her to leave?”

“I already tried, Jackson…” Mollie looked torn.

“Well then, I’ll have to get a crack at her.  I don’t want her here.”

“I know.  I tried…” she murmured.

“I know, babe. I know.” Jackson found himself leaning forward, desperately wanting to kiss her.

Babe?” Mollie’s breath caught as she attempted to say the word.

For a moment, Jackson wanted to say that he hadn’t meant anything by it, but that simply wasn’t true.

Jackson got closer to Mollie, wrapping his arms around her, holding her against his chest, heart pounding.

“Ok, Molls, tell me the truth, do you feel this thing between us?”

She bit her lip. “Yeah.  It’s the most intense thing I’ve ever experienced.”

He smiled, and he squeezed her slim shoulders.  “Me too. Good lord, Mollie…You’re so beautiful and perfect. I want you so bad…”

Mollie gaped at him for a moment or two before murmuring, “Bad enough to do something about it?”

“Let me get Madison to go away, and we’ll revisit this.  Ok, Molls?”

“Ok. Hurry back.” a smile creeping over her cheeks.

Jackson kissed the top of Mollie’s head, giving her a last grin before heading out of his bedroom and into the hall, out to the kitchen where Madison whipped around. “Oh, good!  You got rid of Mollie.  Now we can eat in peace.”

Jackson’s temper snapped. “So far from it, Maddie. I’m getting rid of you.  I don’t want you here. And even though you seemed so eager to get in here and see where your sister is living, I don’t believe you actually want to see her at all. I think that since I haven’t been falling for your games, or answering your calls- that you think you can just show up at my house…  News flash, Madison, I do not and WILL not want you here. And Mollie only gave in because you’re manipulative and steamroll her. It’s not amusing. To be honest, we’re both pretty over it.”

Madison tried to play it off like he was joking with her.  But he could tell she knew he meant business. And within five minutes, Madison was out the door. And soon after, Jackson was back in his bedroom, walking towards Mollie, the woman who meant more to him than anything.  And he kissed her, first tentatively, then a little more with Mollie returning the favor until they were both panting.

“Hot damn, Mollie…”

“Does that mean it was good for you?”

Jackson saw a little fear in her eyes and he pulled her close to him once again.  “It was wonderful. Perfect. Look what you’ve done to me, you vixen.” He flicked his gaze downward at his crotch, indicating his full-blown erection through his dress pants.

Mollie gasped in surprise. “That was from our kiss?”

“Oh yeah.  But it’s definitely not the first you’ve given me.  Your damn little red dress…That lingering hug… and moments where nothing is really happening, but I catch a glimpse of you doing your hair, or catch you looking over at me… it’s so hot.”

Mollie looked surprised once again. “So, what does this mean? Do you just want tonight?  Or is this anything more?  I’m not trying to pressure you.  I just want to know so I don’t expect too much.”

Jackson was a little confused.  “Do you not want me, Mollie?”

Complete and utter terror mixed with a hint of bafflement on her face. “What?! Jackson, are you kidding me? I’ve wanted you for most of my adult life.”

Now, it was Jackson’s turn to be confused.  But, he found himself smiling. “That makes me feel so good, Mollie. I mean, I’m sorry that you suffered all that time… but I’m glad you want me.”

“I do.” She murmured, kissing his neck with her soft, red lips.

Jackson felt his cock harden even more, and he didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to hold on before he scooped her up into his arms and tossed her on his bed.

Mollie must have sensed his anxiety because she made it easy for him.  She took off her shirt first, then her yoga pants, and soon, she was completely naked in front of him.  Jackson was in awe of her lovely form.  It was a not-so-subtle reminder that he was seven years older than her… he felt like an old man next to her perfect, smooth skin, and her subtle curves.

She couldn’t possibly want him… but it was clear she did. She started undoing his tie the rest of the way.  He unbuttoned his shirt, and Mollie worked at his belt buckle, palming his erection through his briefs. Jackson sucked in a breath.  “Holy shit, woman….” He groaned as she worked him over, waiting for his shirt to finally hit the floor.  He nearly came in her hand… she was that good.

“Do you still think I’m Madison’s kid sister now?” She said in a tone which was sexy as hell, albeit a tad sarcastic…

“Hell no!”

Apparently, that was what she wanted to hear.  By now, his shirt was on the floor and Mollie was getting him out of his pants, then came the underwear… When he was completely naked, Jackson felt a flicker of doubt, that someone like Mollie would never want him… but Mollie smiled, and took in all of him with her big blue eyes, all-but licking her lips.

And to his surprise, Mollie kissed over the scar from his surgery, kissed the base of his throat, and over his heart. 

Jackson was completely turned on, and with a gentle tug, he pulled her onto his bed.  She squealed in delight. He joined her, Mollie spreading her legs to give him room. Jackson wondered if she wanted extended foreplay, or if she wanted it quick and passionate. Or something in between.  He wasn’t sure.

He got his answer when she murmured, “I’m on the pill… so if you wanna just…”

With a slight nod, and no other warning, he plunged into her, inching inside her tight, wet channel. He heard her moan, “Mmm.”

And as he began to move and thrust into her, Mollie’s cries became louder and more erotic.

His beautiful, responsive Mollie… she knew he was doing this to her… she reveled in it.

Even though he tried to make it last, it didn’t take long for her to come apart for him, and he for her. 

After catching their breaths, Jackson caressed Mollie’s forehead, brushing some of her hair out of her face with his fingertips. “You ok, Molls?” he asked.

“Mmm. I’m perfect… and I’d be even better if we tried it again.  A little slower this time.” She was mimicking a director. 

“Your wish is my command, Ms. Carrington.”

He made slow, lingering, smoldering love to her… and it was delicious. Positively delicious. Jackson’s heart pounded and well after they’d finished, breathing returning to normal, he was speechless.  This was the most wonderful, erotic, most-necessary sexual encounter he’d ever had. And it’d happened with Mollie.

His thoughts were eventually interrupted by the mutual growls of their hungry stomachs. He chuckled. 

“Well, what do you say we grab something to eat, babe?”

“Sounds wonderful.” She smiled brightly at him, her face slightly flushed and glowing. 

They pulled clothes on, heading into the kitchen.  Before Madison left, she’d turned off the burners, so all they had to do was fire them up, and within s few minutes, they had short-ribs and mashed potatoes.

Jackson noticed that Mollie seemed a bit uncomfortable as they sat there eating the admittedly excellent food Madison had prepared.  He didn’t like her, resented her… but he had to give credit where credit was due… and she was a good cook. 

Jackson wasn’t sure if it was what they’d just done, or if Mollie was feeling the creep of doubt… So, he just asked her.

“What’s troubling you, Molls?  Is it the sex?”

Mollie nearly choked on her wine. 

“No, of course not. It’s just… Madison made this delicious dinner, and I don’t know how to cook… and she’s gonna freak when she finds out that I bumped uglies with her ex… and I’m conflicted… the sex was so, so good… Nothing compares to it… not one other romantic encounter I’ve ever had even remotely touches this… But I just don’t want to be a tissue… something you use and throw away… I may have gotten in over my head…”

She was babbling now, and her blue eyes were filled with tears.

Jackson put his fork down, and took Mollie’s small hand in his, bringing it to his lips, kissing the back of her hand with more tenderness than he’d ever expected to have for another person.

“Mollie, you’re not a tissue first of all.  Yes, the sex was wonderful, and I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as I did… let’s face it, it’s fucking fantastic… and I think that we’re meant for each other… I believe that.”

Mollie looked up, surprised. “But I can’t cook, and I’m not glamourous, and I don’t really care about getting manicures and having fancy parties… I don’t always say the right thing… I’m nerdy and I’ll never be her…”

Jackson knew that Mollie was insecure… and that she’d been manipulated by Madison to automatically think less of herself, but if he were being completely honest, the fact that she wasn’t like Madison was sexy as hell to him.

He didn’t want a replacement for Madison.  He wanted Mollie.

Jackson got up from his spot at the table, going over to Mollie’s side, and pulling her up so they were face to face. “It’s not a bad thing- you not being like your sister.  Everything you just listed- except for the cooking thing… they’re all things I didn’t like about her.  She used to drag me to black tie galas where I didn’t know anyone… with weird food and small-talk… and it was never about having a good time or building actual relationships… it was a networking thing and nothing more. I like that people take a higher priority with you than a manicure or hair appointment.  I mean, if you want to get your hair or nails done, I’m not against it… you do you… but you’d never choose that over another person… And the cooking thing… I don’t care about that.  To be honest, I actually like to cook sometimes, but Maddie hardly ever let me… I only got to do it when she was gone and you were around.”

Mollie started to look a little happier.  “Really?”

“Yeah, really.”

Jackson knew the next thing out of her mouth was going to be her sister freaking out when she discovered Mollie had slept with Jackson… so he kissed the top of her head.  “I’m not saying Madison won’t freak out, because she definitely will… but who cares what she thinks?  We’re both adults, Mollie.  And I’m not her husband anymore… She treated me like shit, and she’s treated you like shit too.  I know she took care of you when your parents checked out, but you don’t owe her anything anymore. I definitely don’t owe her anything anymore.”

When Mollie’s face looked panicked, and she almost spoke, he kissed her lips.  “Listen to me, please, Mollie… I know this is complicated, but I love you… and you deserve to be taken care of for once in your life… without strings.  Without manipulation… do you hear me, Mollie?  I love you. This isn’t a game I’m playing.”

Mollie looked at him, stunned.

“You… You love me?  Me?!” she pointed to herself.

Jackson caressed the side of her face, stroking her cheek. “Yeah… I love you, Mollie.  I’m sorry I didn’t realize it earlier.”

She looked extremely touched.  “When do you think it happened?”

Jackson thought about it for a long moment. “I’m not sure… I mean, you’ve always been important… my rock… my best friend… confidant.  But I think it was the moment when you walked up to me in that bar in that little red dress… and your sexy sandals…”

“Are you sure it wasn’t just lust?”

He chuckled.  “I tried to tell myself that it was… but no.  It was definitely more than that.”

Mollie put a hand to her forehead in shock.  Then, she threw her arms around his neck in delight. 

“I can’t tell you how much that means to me… and everything… all of this…” she kissed his cheek. Breathlessly, Mollie launched into her thoughts on that night when she decided to wear the dress… and she also said three little words that meant the world to him. “I love you.  I’ve always, always loved you.”