Some notes for my November NaNoWriMo Story, Nevermore

More notes and character stuff for Nevermore.  10/27/2020

I might try to create a character that’s a bit of a psychologist or something.

Perhaps her name is Ivy Wertenbaker.  There we go.  Baby name site to the rescue. 

I also picked out a picture that I think can be her. I’m not exactly sure if I’m going to use her or not, so I don’t know how detailed I want her thing to be, but I would rather think about it now than in November, especially with Halloween, my birthday, the concerts, and then the Raven party.

I think Ivy is also relatively young, probably in her thirties.  And she is the type who is a little brighter and more colorful with her wardrobe.  Has more fun with the things  she wears and isn’t as inhibited as her counterpart.  Although I don’t know if these people really know each other or not.

That brings me to a question I have about my own plot and at least Constance’s part in it.  And that is: who is ordering this interview? What is it for.  I am doing it documentary-style- at least, that’s what I’m thinking in my head at the moment.

So, it would make sense if this were a doc about the same thing as the book.  But with this, it’s probably a channel/ museum like National Geographic, The History Channel, or PBS or something…

Now, Poe is kind of out there doing his own thing, but perhaps even though the two events aren’t officially connected, perhaps they are connected by the collective consciousness or whatever.  

I’m thinking that Ivy and Constance’s portions of the book will happen whenever there’s something Poe doesn’t know or cannot clarify, or would probably “lie” about… self-preservation mode.

The Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock presents are two shows that definitely inspired the project, mostly because they’re anthologies.  And they have the weird, creepy vibe that I’m looking for.  Usually with some kind of narrator.

They help set the scene. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

I guess I should think about the character of Ivy.

Ivy Wertenbaker. 

I think she’s in her early to mid-thirties and she knew what she wanted to be when she grew up from an incredibly early age.  And she was supported by her parents in her endeavors… and she is more of an extrovert.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Ok so I think that I need another character to join the cast of characters,.  I already have a historian and a psychologist….

Now, I need a character who will act as a coroner…

And perhaps a neurologist/ oncologist…

And perhaps an English professor/ literary scholar.  Initially, I was going to have Constance fulfill one of those, but I actually think the team aspect could provide sufficient diverseness to the cast of characters.  I will probably create a Pinterest Board for each of them but then merge them all into the initial board I created for Nevermore… They will go in as Sections.

I must admit, I don’t know anything about oncology other than they deal with blood and with cancer… And I’m not a doctor.  I mean, I’m not a literary scholar either, but at least I read and I took a bunch of literature classes in school…

I also know next to nothing about being a coroner… but I HAVE watched a bunch of CSI shows…

So, onto the naming of characters…

The Literary Scholar: Maya Rutherford

The Coroner: Simon Gerrard

Neurologist: Kinsley Bermondsey 

The Oncologist: Jeffery Kingsdale

Now, do I need any other characters?

Historian/ Literary Scholar/ Psychologist/ Coroner/ Oncologist/ Neurologist/

Do I need a team leader?  I mean, I thought of Constance first, but she is sort of lacking in confidence… so I don’t know that she would thrive on that kind of job… And in most “project” or “expedition-based” docs, they have a project foreman or some kind of leader, so perhaps I should have another historian person on the job? 


Historian: Emory Basil (these names LOL)

I think that should be it?  Hopefully.  I don’t know anything about these newbies yet.  But I just birthed them in my mind palace… so there you go.  I was doing a sprint of sorts while I plotted and planned them.  The time should be up soon.  

Ok, so I completed at least a little character work today 😊