Poor Hugo

The Forlorn Porg

By: Cindy R. Miller

A Long Time Ago.  In A Galaxy Far, Far Away…

Hugo was a porg.

A very ugly porg.

It was unfortunate for him to have the face he had.

The other porgs didn’t understand

But poor Hugo wanted to play in a band.

Never had he seen a jizz-wailer,

But still, Hugo dreamed of shining lights

For all of Hugo’s poor young life,

He’d been met with ‘naught but strife.

When he was just a hatchling born,

A Wookiee roasted Hugo’s mom

Poor Hugo watched the spit in terror

But that didn’t get him anywhere.

Years went by and dreams were high

For Hugo found a KLOO HORN

He didn’t know how to play it but he knew for sure

That one Kloo Horn felt good in his hands

Hugo had stars in his eyes

Even though everyone was unkind.

“You couldn’t Porg your way out of a paper bag”

They sneered.

But one day, they’d think him dear.

He toiled and worked night and day

Learning to play his Kloo Horn

Striving to play with a band.

And one day it happened, surrounded by stars

Poor Hugo got his chance- and applause.

His name in flashing lights,

Hugo had it all

But he took up spice and gambling, and dolls

Everybody wondered what went wrong

With the Hugo Porg they’d known

But they realized soon enough

That starstruck lives are often short

His career nearly in the refresher

Whizzing down the drain

He crawled out of his nest of gold

And checked himself in the mirror.

“I have to fix this, quick” he said

And checked himself into rehab

After some time, therapy and lots of cleansing breaths

Poor Hugo was looking more like himself.

And back he came, Kloo Horn in hand

People loved to see him there

Playing up on stage

Playing with the band

Despite his ugly face

Despite his past mistakes

Hugo had fans who loved him

And that made him celebrate.

So this story is at an end

Children take caution and comfort

Mistakes, color your lives they can

But redemption is possible, for Hugo or for Kylo Ren…

This is the video that inspired this bizarre poem…

Also, there’s a group on Facebook that I’m a part of which has a bunch of inside jokes about Hugo.