Some old notes about The Defender (when it was still A Rebel Rising)

Bella Rogue:

Becomes assassin/ spy in her early twenties.

Leaves the organization around age 25.  Recruited by the Superhero/ Metahuman squad (sort of like The Avengers, or the Justice League). 

If I’m comparing her to other characters or archetypes, I would classify her as part Black Widow, part Scarlet Witch, part Captain America (obviously I’m gender-bending), part Spiderman (again, gender-bending), part Wonder Woman, and part of various characters from Star Wars, such as Princess Leia, Jyn Erso, Rey, Ahsoka, and Padmè.  I also wanted to add elements of Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks because I wanted the reason why Bella got superpowers to be because she was chosen to have an experiment on her (against her will, even though she didn’t know they did anything until a while after she returned home.)

The experiment is sort of similar to the “Captain America Serum” which turned scrawny, but adorable Steve Rogers into the hunky Captain.  But, it was, I think done by either aliens, if I want to be bold and use an other-worldly magic… or possibly by the original spy organization that hired her.

It’s sort of like in (I believe it was in Winter Soldier) when HYDRA had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D.

They sort of abducted her so they could give her the serum, and plant false memories in her head that would resurface after a bit, sort of like Black Widow’s vision in Age of Ultron with her in the ballet school with the spies or whatever… I don’t know what of that, if any was true.