
To be honest, this weekend was one of the least productive weekend in terms of my own writing that I’ve had in a long time. The thing is, I actually did a fair amount of writing, but my issue was that none of it was for me, which left me feeling behind and sort of scattered.

My mom has a business, and I had to write stuff for her website. Since it’s her website, everything has to be approved by her. I get that. Believe me, I do… and I know that the first and second drafts weren’t great ( I AM a writer after-all). I just didn’t like that I would spend hours working on something, I’d send it and almost immediately, someone would email or text me to go back and add something, and it went on almost the entire weekend. I was going to jump right into another project- a story formerly known as A Rebel Rising. However, I spent my weekend writing and editing something that I didn’t “want” to do.

Now, you may have just read the last part and said, “Gosh you’re being petty”.

Yeah. I am.

But I have a reason for bringing it up.

That reason is that life sometimes sucks. Many times, the minutia and mundanity of life sweeps in to reep boredom and frustration on us. For instance, while I am obviously not “happy” to be suffering health problems which keep me housebound for the most part- unable to go outside the home to work- it’s given me more time to do what I love.

I know I look at things differently than most people. I see things like working for “the man” at a 9-5 job (or whatever the hours are) which is just a job and not anything which allows me to use my creativity without a leash as a burden.

I see it as something you only do because you have to earn money to live… Unless I’m working in a job which allows me to be creative and write, I admittedly usually find normal “work” as dull and a waste of time.

I’m an INFP as I’ve said many times. That is one of the reasons I feel this way.

The other reason is that I worked in repetitive, soulless, workaday jobs for over 8 years. I feel my life slipping away. I notice that the more time I spend going to a job and earning that money everyone seems to value so highly- the less time I have to spend on things I actually care about.

Not only that, but by the time I have the CHANCE to do that thing I care about, I’m exhausted and feel uninspired, lackluster, and bored.

But, there is a silver lining, I promise… Knowing that- I can use this time to be as productive as I can.

I have also figured out how to write and force inspiration when I have to. I have been able to do these things on a relatively scheduled basis which is uncommon for me as an INFP…

I’ve been able to force myself to write even when I don’t feel like it.

I’ve been attempting to post something on YouTube every day, even if it’s something short.

I schedule my day to the best of my ability, and I make adjustments whenever something unforeseen happens, or I get interrupted for the eighth time in an evening when I’m trying to write…

When you want something enough, you overcome all the obstacles both internal and external.

It’s not automatic. It takes some time, but when you do it, it’s awesome.

Have a good week!